Advertise in AOHP Journal

The Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare encourages advertisement of your products, services, and employment opportunities in the association’s quarterly publication, the Journal of the Association of Occupational health Professionals in Healthcare

Advertising Specifications:

1. No more than 15% of the available column space shall include advertising.
All ads must be submitted to the Journal editor for approval before publication.  The Journal editor shall confer with the Executive President on ads that may be in conflict with AOHP’s mission and philosophy.
Over 1,100 copies are circulated quarterly to health professionals across the United States giving you a national audience.
Subscribers to the Journal include nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians, environmental health and safety personnel, occupational health specialists, plus hospital administrators, personnel directors and educators.
  A variety of interests and concerns are featured routinely in the Journal, e.g. infection control, workers compensation, health promotion and educational techniques as well as methods to enhance management skills and professionalism.
 Discounted advertising rates are available for advertising in multiple issues.

AOHP Journal Advertise Rates Information

If you are interested in advertising in the Journal, you can contact  AOHP Headquarters