Summary Abstracts
Spring 2016 Journal 

Organization Leadership
Organization Leadership is a standing Journal column highlighting current hot topics in occupational health. In this issue, AOHP Executive President Mary Bliss, RN, COHN, reflects on the responsibilities of OHPs as the only nurses in our hospitals who can "do what we do." She discusses the importance of AOHP and building connections with colleagues to cultivate a community of resources and support to succeed in this challenging profession. 

Staying Current on Government Affairs
In this Journal column, Stephen Burt, MFA, BS, AOHP Government Affairs Committee Chair, provides analysis of  recent government affairs activities. For this issue, he explores six minefields employers will face regarding OSHA's new recordkeeping rule, which updates the way the agency will collect and disseminate workplace injury and illness data. He provides advice as to how employers can prepare to meet new requirements being implemented now and in the near future. 

Annual Treasurer’s Report
Elaine Dawson, RN, COHN, AOHP Executive Treasurer, shares the results of AOHP’s financial review completed for the year ending December 31, 2015, with an explanation of how AOHP strives to maintain financial stability. An overview of the organization’s financial position for 2015 is depicted in a series of graphs. 

Editor’s Column
This standard feature provides commentary from the current Journal Editor, Kim Stanchfield, RN, COHN-S. In this issue, she discusses the impact her hospital's recent transition to a new Electronic Medical Record had on employees, including staff in the Occupational Health Department. She also relates a story that reminds readers of the importance of truly caring about employees and their experiences. 

Association Community Liaison Report
Through this regular Journal article, MaryAnn Gruden, MSN, CRNP, NP-C, COHN-S/CM, details how AOHP is gaining visibility as an expert regarding occupational health issues. In this edition, she reviews: AOHP's comments on OSHA's draft Safety & Health Program Management Guidelines; OSHA's web pages for clinicians, online injury reporting and worker rights; and the OSHA On-site Consultation Program. Also included are updates on the NIOSH study supporting annual fit-testing for FFRs and predictors of adherence to safe handling practices for administering antineoplastic drugs.

Perspectives in Healthcare Safety
Cory Worden, MS, CSHM, CSP, CHSP, ARM, REM, CESCO, is the Manager of System Safety for the Memorial Hermann Healthcare System in Houston, TX. In his standing Journal column, Worden shares his insights on safety in healthcare. This article explains the importance of employee engagement in safety and why perceptions play an important role in the success or failure of developing a culture of safety in healthcare organizations. 

Accident Prevention: Going Full Circle
The most effective way to promote safety and prevent accidents is by: addressing hazards; implementing hazard controls; communicating expectations of safe behaviors and conditions; validating those safe behaviors and conditions; and following through on investigations to determine preventive measures. Cory Worden, MS, CSHM, CSP, CHSP, ARM, REM, CESCO, addresses the need for everyone in the organization to play a role in mitigating unsafe behaviors and conditions in the workplace to prevent accidents, injuries and exposures. 

At Last! EEOC Unveils Final Rules for Employer Wellness Programs
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued two rules this spring specifying how employer-sponsored wellness plans can comply with the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act and the Americans With Disabilities Act. Article Author Stephen Burt, MFA, BS interprets the two new rules and the effect they will have on employers who offer wellness programs in an effort to control healthcare costs. 

You're Not in Kansas Anymore...
Hazards are more prevalent - and more unpredictable - in healthcare than in any other profession. Cory Worden, MS, CSHM, CSP, CHSP, ARM, REM, CESCO examines the Hierarchy of Controls in analyzing hazards in the healthcare setting, and the value of situational awareness and conditioning as necessary tools in preparing healthcare professionals to work more safely.