Varicella Vaccination

What are the criteria for evidence of immunity to varicella?

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) considers evidence of immunity to varicella to be:

  • Documentation of 2 doses of vaccine given no earlier than age 12 months, with at least 3 months between doses for children younger than age 13 years, or at least 4 weeks between doses for people age 13 years and older
  • U.S.-born before 1980*
  • A healthcare provider’s diagnosis of varicella or verification of history of varicella disease
  • History of herpes zoster, based on healthcare provider diagnosis
  • Laboratory evidence of immunity or laboratory confirmation of disease

*Note: year of birth is not considered as evidence of immunity for healthcare personnel, immunosuppressed people, and pregnant women.

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Information provided by Cynthia McNaughton, RN-C, OHNP