REF ID: 2023JAR002
Surviving Safety – Part 2
Authors: Cory Worden, Ph.D.*(ABD), MS, CSHM, CSP, CHSP, ARM, REM, CESCO
Continuing education Contact Hour: This activity awards 1.0 contact hours.
Date Available: Jan 31, 2023
Expiration: Jan 30, 2025
Cost: Members - FREE; Non-Members - $15
Developing a Safety Management System can often seem confusing with so many interconnected programs, duties, and measurements. Due to this confusion, many organizations often look to minimal regulations and standards to determine whether their Employee Safety and Health program is successful. Unfortunately, these regulations are often only minimal expectations of relatively safe working conditions and do not address continual hazard analysis, reliable hazard controls, safe work practices, communication, or proactive measurements through leading indicators. With these components of a Safety Management System, organizations can create safe working conditions, safe work practices, and a valid and reliable culture of safety. This article series on ‘Surviving Safety’ explains in a methodical manner how to identify, assess, and control hazards and then communication, validate, and measure the results, all before an injury or exposure occurs using Risk Management, Occupational Safety, and Occupational Health leading practices.
Educational Objectives:
1. Identify the steps of the Hierarchy of Hazard Controls.
2. Identify an example of a Hazard Substitution.
3. Identify an example of an Engineering Control.
4. Identify an example of an Administrative Control.
5. Identify an example of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) use.
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